Valiant Heart Coaching

Building Small Habits, Designing a New Mindset 






Valiant Heart

B u i l d i n g   S m a l l   H a b i t s ,
D e s i g n i n g   a   N e w   M i n d s e t 




Hi! I’m Jennifer,

Certified Mindset and
Habits Coach.

I hold the space for you to gently look at your thoughts, actions, and experiences. As you do, you will gain insight into how you want to live your best life, and learn tools to transform your habits. 

Tell me, what is it you plan
to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver


I know you are here because you want to make certain changes in your life. 

You know at a deeper level that you have something more to contribute, something important and uniquely “you” to express—dreams not yet fulfilled.

Maybe you have already been successful in some areas of your life but still want to find ways to make an impact or leave a legacy.

Perhaps you feel overwhelmed, stuck, or even ashamed when you look at taking steps toward your goals and dreams.

It’s okay. You’ve come to the right place.

We’re going to figure this out together.

It's a design flaw, not a personal flaw.

B.J. Fogg, Ph.D.

My Philosophy of Coaching

I. Mindset Management

Using The Life Coach School (LCS) thought model, we will explore underlying thoughts and beliefs and how they help or hinder us in making changes and achieving goals. As an LCS ceritified coach, I can guide you in looking at your thinking and choosing thoughts that better serve you.

Thoughts create Feelings, which lead to Actions/Habits and Results

II. Habit Development

Using the Tiny Habits® Method, developed by B.J. Fogg, Ph.D., founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University, we will look at how to build and sustain successful micro habits that help us lead healthier and happier lives. As part of the habit formation process, we will practice celebrating each tiny victory to help reinforce the new behavior and "rewire" the brain. As a Tiny Habits® Certified Coach, I can help you create healthy new habits.


>> These methods, when practiced over time, can help you re-design your life in a way that works better for you and helps you reach your goals and take action toward long-held dreams.


Individual Coaching

Start Your Life-Changing Experience. Worldwide Service. 

Preview of Upcoming Courses:


❁ Resilience Skills for Turbulent Times

A Valiant Heart Coaching mini-course on how you can take back your power in the face of adversity and strengthen your capacity for self-resilience through mindset management and habit formation


❁ Self-Compassion for Women: Changing How We Talk to Ourselves About Our Body, Weight, Goals, and Dreams

A Valiant Heart Coaching mini-course for women who are ready to stop the constant "beat-down" of negative self-talk and learn how to love themselves once and for all.